For all of us pet owners, our number one priority is our pets. With all things scary out there we want to make sure to protect them. Finding a pest in your home can cause you to go into panic mode. Mostly because you want to keep your home pest-free; and also because what are the rules with your pets & pest control? This blog is all about pets & pest control, and what you need to know.
Firstly, before doing the pest service make sure to pick up all your pet’s toys and pet food/water dishes. Avoiding the actual chemical that is put down regardless of spray or bait is the goal. Secondly, after the pest service is completed keep your pet away until dry. Thirdly, Make sure to keep the area well ventilated, and if it smells too much like chemicals open windows and doors after the allotted amount of time. Lastly, be aware of all the instructions on pest control, this is where it really helps to have a professional company do it so that you know exactly what you need to do.
Firstly, make sure if you dog is interested in any traps or bait put outside that you make sure they stay clear of that area. All chemicals should be stored correctly and safely. Dogs and cats are both curious creatures and will find it if they want it. Thirdly, if you spray any insecticide, fungicide or herbicide on the grass and want to know how long, it is as soon as the grass is dry. Lastly, be aware of all the instructions on pest control, this is where it really helps to have a professional company do it so that you know exactly what you need to do.
All of us at RH Miller Pest Services take pride in making sure that you and your pets have peace of mind. Servicing cities like Apopka, in Central Florida for over 29 years, we have the expertise to get the results you desire! Bugs, Wildlife, or Lawn; we do it all. Find out why we have a 5 STAR rating on Google today! Give us a call at 407-339-7119.