RH Miller Pest Services

Ants, and roaches, and rodents? Oh my!

Florida, is a veritable paradise for all who visit. The sunshine, the beaches, & the natural springs, make for wealth of activity for locals and vacation goers alike. As with most things, beauty comes with a price (yeah, I tend to have a flare for dramatics, but with good intent). Contrary to popular belief, Florida gets cold in January & February, sometimes as low as in the 20’s (no drama this time, see image below), and as the temps drop the search for warmth ramps up in the pest world.

No Joke! Bring in pets and plants.


Ants typically go underground during the winter months, however, in Florida the temps can go from one extreme to the next. Mix in the rains we have had and that will drive the little buggers up instead of down. These little buggers will then be on the lookout for more warmth, food, and water. And, what is warmer than a home with heat blasting, food and crumbs left out and pipes with running water? Once inside they have all they need to feel right at home, and will take advantage.

Some tips to help; check windows and doors to be sure weather stripping is intact. Do not leave food sitting out, and wipe crumbs away. Take away their food source and they will likely move on or not survive. Even still there may be a larger issue with the ants you don’t see, it may be a good idea for a professional to come and assess the issue for you, to ensure you don’t have a bigger problem than just some ants. By the way, I know a couple of gals/guys 😉


Let’s talk about it. You hear the name palmetto bug, that’s just Florida speak for roach. There are many roach species in this southern paradise. Don’t be overdramatic, the perks of paradise outweigh the shall we say, “drawback”. Anywho. Much like ants, roaches also like the warmth and moisture, therefore they will look for a way in when their habitat is disturbed by the wet and cold. Roaches can fit themselves in a crack the width of a sheet of paper. Yep, that’s right, the width of a sheet of paper! (This narrator just winced, did that send chills through your body too?)

So good rule of thumb, if you can see any amount of daylight around doors or windows, roaches can get through. If you have piles of brush (not the hair combing kind), wood stockpiled touching your home or any piles of anything that regularly get hit by weather conditions, you’ll want to clear it away. Ensure doors and windows are sealed and weather protected. Your friendly, locally owned, pest professionals can help you today?

Having too many visitors in Longwood? Let RH Miller Pest Services take it from here, so you can be worry-free. For over a quarter of a century, RH Miller has been immersed in areas like Longwood. Specifically, in cities like Longwood. Our experts are committed to getting results for your home or business. As with all of our services, our process starts with a free estimate. Call our offices @ 407-339-7119 to schedule your free, no obligation inspection, today!

Yuck! You need us Now! rhpest.com


PSA, it’s winter in Florida, bring your pets inside. If you are cold, they are too! Just be on the lookout for these guys, they are not snugglers, you can’t potty train them, and they will chew your electrical wires. Yes, sometimes they look cute and cuddly, but trust me, you don’t wanna test that theory! Sometimes you may not know you are living with them, until they start to leave little (clears throat) “presents” around your home. They are cold too, and the winter months they really ramp up their mating and nesting rituals. Plus, you and your pets have food and they want it.

Working with a professional to ensure your house is safeguarded against entry will not only give you peace of mind (assuming you haven’t lost yours already due to the insect/rodent spike season), it will help you to know of any areas of concern around and in your home.

Now that you know, and have a little more info on why there seems to be a rise in activity, let me just say…Again, I know some gals & guys who are very knowledgeable, super professional, friendly, easy on the eyes (wink, wink. oops, wrong blog) and local that can and will help you with any of these issues and then some.

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