RH Miller Pest Services

Murder Hornet or Cicada Killer

Have you ever been walking through your yard and see a huge, scary what you might call “wasp/bee looking thing”? Then think, Is this a Murder Hornet or Cicada Killer? Therefore, then start to freak out thinking that the Murder hornets have made it to your house! Furthermore, fear not, what you may have seen could be the gentle giant; Cicada Killer Wasp. With this purpose in mind, it is good to know the differences so you know what might actually have an important and beneficial job in your yard!

Murder Hornet or Cicada Killer

Body Differences

First, let’s start with the Asian Giant hornet. In detail, the Asian Giant Hornet can get up to 2 inches long with a wing span of close to 3 inches long! In addition, the Asian Giant Hornet body tends to be more red and orange thought its body. Secondly, their abdomen tends to be either orange or brown and the bands are not broken. Lastly, the middle portion of their body (thorax) tends to be dark brown to black in color. 

Next, we have the Cicada Killer Wasps. In comparison, they are smaller than the Asian giant Hornet varying between 1-1.5 inches long. Also, the abdomen of the Cicada killer is mainly black and white with broken bands. Moreover, their middle portion of their body (thorax) tends to be a more dull brown to orange color. 

Murder Hornet or Cicada killer
Cicada killer

Behavioral Differences

Most importantly, the behavioral differences. The Asian Giant hornet actually kills the most beneficial bee; the honey bee. In addition, the Asian Giant hornets can kill off a whole honey bee colony in hours and uses their nest for food. On the contrary, the Cicada Killer Hornets are harmless and surprisingly beneficial.

Murder hornet or Cicada Killer

As I’m sure you all know about Cicadas due to their loud noises. Interestingly, the Cicada Killer Wasp actually kill and use Cicadas as food for their young. Typically, Cicadas are harmless. However, they can cause damage to ornamental trees. Cicadas have 3 stages to their lifestyle and the third stage being Nymphs. These Nymphs are destructive because when they hatch from their eggs they drop to the ground. Next, they get into the soil and eat the grass roots, and when they get deep enough they feed on the tree roots, causing damage to trees. Therefore, the Cicada Killers are actually beneficial to the environment and harmless to humans. 

If you’re having trouble deciding if you have Murder hornet or Cicada killer in your yard, call RH Miller Pest Services to help with your pest needs! Call Central Floridas best pest control company that covers areas like Casselberry 32707.

RH Miller is committed to your safety from insects not only in your home but outside your home as well! As with all our services, our process starts with a free estimate. Call our office at 407-339-7119 to schedule your free, no obligation inspection and or treatment today!

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