How It Starts: “I saw a Roach”

Janet pulled her work truck across the end of the driveway of the small yellow home. A tiny, silver haired woman, came walking briskly down the paver driveway in a panic, “I saw a roach!” Ingrid exclaimed as she scurried and waived to Janet, her trusted pest control technician of 4 years.
Miss Ingrid was a petite, elderly woman well into her 70’s, who is alone since the passing of her husband. First, Janet, would always make an extra fuss and spend extra time talking with Ms. Ingrid, and addressing her concerns.
There, Janet walked the driveway to meet her, and in a smile as she approached. “Nice to see you again, Miss. Ingrid.” “Show me to the roach my dear lady”, Janet joked.
She followed Miss Ingrid inside and the elderly woman showed her where she saw the roach. Explaining in detail, that the baseboard treatment is residual. It is still effective and would continue the killing power when an insect does get in.
Janet did and inspection through the home to look for any points of entry that an insect could get through. She then explained to her that the daylight she could see through the front door is most likely how it got in. Getting that door sealed properly would help keep them out!
Miss Ingrid listened intently as Janet explained how pest control really works. “There will always be pests, but, we can prevent and control them from becoming an infestation.” Janet stated confidently. “Pest control is a balance of habitat prevention, living conditions, and treatment when necessary. Sealing cracks and crevices in the home, is as effective if not more, as chemical treatment”, she explained.
And so it goes…
Janet continued:
-Cleaning up exterior build up of leaves, wood, or other materials that collect around our homes is a great start in prevention.
-Keeping trees and shrubs trimmed from overhanging, or touching homes is a great help.
-Drains inside, (especially ones not used daily), need water run in them a few times a week so as not to become a travel tunnel.
-Irrigation being cut back, or increased as recommended to prevent soil conditions conducive to insect activity.
In conclusion, Miss Ingrid thanked her for advice and for taking the time to go over what to realistically expect. She understood that pest control didn’t mean she would never see an insect, but that if she worked together with Janet and took action with the advice given, she would see them a lot less. Now that she had the info, she would no longer need to call for every single insect that would sneak through here and there!
-The End-
All of us at RH Miller Pest Services take pride in making sure that you have the prevention you need. Servicing cities like Orlando, in Central Florida for over 30 years, we have the expertise to get the results you desire! Bugs, Wildlife, or Lawn; we do it all. Find out why we have a 5-STAR rating on Google today! Give us a call at 407-339-7119.